We Help Them To Have

A Better Life Than


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What We Believe

Ambassadors Of Peace, Hope, And Altruism.

We Believe That The Bible Is The Word Of God. Our Duty Is To Evangelize Bible By Helping People And Showing The Love Of God To Them.

We believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, without error, that can be fully trusted as 2 Timothy 3:16 puts it: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” We believe in the triune God of the Bible, as He is confessed in the Apostolic Creed. We also believe that the Holy Spirit is still operating today through His gifts to establish the Body of Christ and that we have to be obedient to the great commission in Matthew 28:19-20.

What We Do

We Are Able To Show Them God's Love In These Fields.

How Can You Help Us

Our Running Campaign

You Can Contribute Directly To Your Chosen Campaign.

Buy winter clothes for refugee children in Greece.

Buy winter clothes for refugee children in Greece.



$ 8,000


$ 7,900

Day To Go



Where Do We Operate?

The majority of people in the world live in countries called the 10/40 window. Christian missionaries are banned in the 10/40 window; And in some of them, being a Christian is generally considered a crime. Due to the difficult living conditions, the number of Christians living in the window of 10/40 is decreasing day by day and many of them are forced to emigrate or lose their lives. Our organization focuses specifically on the 10/40 window. As a result of this focus, with the help of hardworking and compassionate staff, we have established centers in Syria, northern Iraq, Iran, Rwanda, Sudan and Yemen and Greece. We also strive to spread the message of salvation through the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world by founding the church. As the Bible says: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:. “matt 28:19”

Our Store

By Purchasing From Our Online Store, You Can Help The Charity.

Coming Soon

Flower Pot

Woven by Ms. Sara

$ 03.00

Flower Pot

Woven by Ms. Sara

$ 03.00

Flower Pot

Woven by Ms. Sara

$ 03.00

Flower Pot

Woven by Ms. Sara

$ 03.00

Flower Pot

Woven by Ms. Sara

$ 03.00

Flower Pot

Woven by Ms. Sara

$ 03.00

%100 Of Your Help Will Be Used To Meet The Material

And Spiritual Needs Of The Needy In Deprived Areas.

Choose An Amount To Give

By receiving your amounts, we can meet the needs of the needy and reach them all over the world. We preach Christ to non-believers and provide for their healthcare, educational services, and nutritional needs; and we try to provide a better life for them. Your amounts will expand our services all around the world as well; And with these funds, we can continue to work to meet the needs of the needy around the world. All of your deposit will be donated to charity, and the organization will not collect any money as an intermediary or as a fee. So donate right now to help the needy, so that as this service grows around the world, we can meet the needs of the needy, preach Christ to them, and still create a better and healthier world to live in. Certainly, we must all contribute to this, so that we can continue to play a serious role in improving the living conditions of the people in need in the world. May the grace of God the Father, the love of Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.