Report Highlights Rights Violations Against Christians in Iran

Report Highlights Rights Violations Against Christians in Iran

Increasing Arrests and Faceless Victims Revealed in Latest Findings.

A new report titled 'Faceless Victims: Rights Violations Against Christians in Iran' sheds light on the alarming trend of rights violations targeting Christians in the country. Despite a comparable number of arrests in 2023 compared to previous years, fewer cases were publicized, leaving many victims faceless and their stories untold.

The report, released today in collaboration with Open Doors, CSW, and Middle East Concern, reveals concerning patterns of arrests targeting Christians in Iran throughout 2023. While 166 arrests were documented during the year, a significant portion of those arrested chose not to publicize their cases, resulting in a growing number of faceless victims.

Of particular concern is the targeting of Bible distributors, with over one-third of arrests in 2023 involving individuals in possession of multiple copies of the Bible. Additionally, at least 17 Christians arrested during the summer received prison sentences or non-custodial punishments, including fines and flogging, with only a few individuals identified publicly.

The report also highlights post-prison pressures faced by released detainees and their families, including continued monitoring, denial of employment and education, and new charges or reopened cases. These challenges make it increasingly difficult for Christians to remain in Iran, leading many to flee the country and seek refuge elsewhere.

Recommendations outlined in the report call on Iran to release all Christians detained on charges related to their faith and religious activities, and to ensure Persian-speaking Christians can worship freely without fear of persecution. The international community is urged to hold Iran accountable for human rights violations and expedite resettlement for Iranian Christians in Turkey.

Released on February 19th, the report coincides with the anniversary of the killing of Rev Arastoo Sayyah, marking the beginning of targeted attacks against Christians in Iran. As the report demonstrates, these violations persist today, underscoring the urgent need for action to protect the rights and freedoms of religious minorities in the country.

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