The Chains of Forced Labor and Persecution

The Chains of Forced Labor and Persecution

Slavery Grips Pakistan's Christian Minority.

In a nation with over two million laborers toiling in 20,000 brick kilns, a substantial number hail from marginalized communities, particularly the Christian minority.
Comprising less than 2 percent of the population, economically vulnerable Christians face heightened persecution.

Driven by scarce job opportunities, many resort to brick kilns, becoming indentured slaves shackled by loans from kiln owners. The meager minimum wage barely covers debts, leaving no room for essentials.
For these workers, life begins at 4 am, with daily brick quotas ranging from 1,500 to 2,500 per family.

 Basic healthcare becomes a luxury, resulting in untreated illnesses and deteriorating quality of life.
Stories reveal pervasive challenges, from work-related itchiness to children suffering infections. Financial constraints bar access to medical care.

Tragically, children are denied education, compelled to join their families in workshops to survive.
The plight of Pakistan's Christian minority epitomizes modern-day slavery. 

It is the responsibility of all Christians and affiliated organizations to amplify their silenced cries.

Source: Global Christian Life, RW

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