Climate-Induced Conflicts in Kenya

Climate-Induced Conflicts in Kenya

Urgent assistance is needed.

In the northern part of Kenya's Rift Valley region, a relentless drought is gripping the Horn of Africa. This drought is intensifying land use conflicts, leading to a surge in violence and organized attacks between herdsmen and landowners. These clashes are straining inter-communal relations and escalating incidents of cattle theft and banditry.

The violence highlights the profound impact of climate shocks, particularly drought, on local tensions and conflicts. Those who depend on agriculture for their livelihoods are particularly vulnerable, as the prolonged dry spell worsens disputes over land and water resources and contributes to environmental degradation.

Due to the need to find pasture and water, herders are now facing greater risks from rival herders and large-scale farm owners. These conflicts, rooted in historical land grievances, political disputes, and local impoverishment caused by government neglect, have been worsened by the current drought. This has led to increased livestock casualties and the proliferation of illegal firearms.

Between 2020 and 2023, Kenyan pastoralists are projected to lose a staggering 5 million cattle, with at least 2 million reported missing. Years of poor governance and economic challenges have fueled deep-seated mistrust among semi-nomadic communities toward a government perceived as neglectful and ill-equipped to address the rising insecurity linked to climate change.

The Horn of Africa is currently facing one of the most prolonged and severe droughts in its history, with five consecutive failed rainy seasons as of 2020. The United Nations estimates that approximately 884,000 children under the age of six and over 115,000 pregnant or lactating women are currently acutely malnourished and in need of urgent treatment.

As the crisis unfolds, the international community is closely monitoring the situation, with humanitarian organizations mobilizing efforts to provide relief to the affected populations and address the root causes of the escalating conflicts in Kenya's Rift Valley region.

Source: UN, Crisis Watch



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